

I'm a designer, coder, and philomath. I help build products, mostly digital. I like to do a little bit of everything—branding, illustration, writing, etc etc. Codewise, my focus is JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.

Just a head's up that this is a work-in-progress 🚧 🏗 ⚠️. I've broken it into a few sections which are different enough that you'll gravitate to what's most interesting.

Experience & approach to the ins & outs of my 9+ year career
All of the extra-curriculars of my life.
A balance of mind, body & soul to keep it whole.
Everything else & then some.
(brief intro)


I’ve worked on 4 startups over the past 9 years, all starting with a handful of people and getting to see a few grow into the hundreds. I’m grateful for the opportunities and while it hasn’t always gone as plan, I love the essence of the startup world.

I consider myself a generalist, bridging the gap between pixels and code. I enjoy wearing many hats at all stages of product development. I’ve also been a part of company initiatives around mission, vision, roadmapping, and org structures.

Moving forward, I’m more and more intrigued by the role of ‘Computational Designer’, referenced in John Maeda’s Design in Tech Report.

“Computational designers exist in a hazy middle ground — not quite pure engineers, not quite pure designers — but their hybrid status is increasingly attractive to technology companies. …The most successful designers will be those who can work with intangible materials — code, words, and voice."

If I were to sum up what I’m looking for in my next role, it’d be something like this: Build creative products, on a small talented team, helping achieve a meaningful mission while learning along the way.

(brief intro)


I live in New York City, and I love it.

I like a routine but am happy to break it. I read a lot, write a bit, and try to draw.

An introvert by nature, I still like to do ‘extroverted things’, just in smaller doses.

I love most sports and most commonly include running, golfing, or playing tennis, basketball or softball. It’s the best way to get into the ‘zone’ and focus entirely on the thing at hand.

I love biking around the city on my single speed. I also love CitiBike, but it’s not the same.\

I pick up new hobbies but few have stuck—recently this includes ceramics, learning Spanish, cooking. Still glad I did them and who knows.

I’m a self-described ‘philomath’. I try to learn something new everyday.

(brief intro)


Arguably the most important aspect of my life, as nothing else works without this. And it’s not just body, but I work on my emotional & mental health. One thing I've stuck with over the years is journaling.

I have journaled for the better part of my life. My first was in 1994, a red notebook with a checkered pattern and a smooth matte finish. My first entry was after my fish, Charlie, had passed.

As I grew up through my teens I would journal on and off. For the past 10 years though, I've tried to write at least a couple times a week, filling many, many Moleskin notebooks.

In 2020, I transitioned to DayOne, a digital journal. I was traveling more and it made it easier to quickly open and type in my thoughts. Plus, I could more easily review entries as well as include photography. I've slowly been working to type in all of my entries since that initial entry.\

"I don’t journal to ‘be productive.’ I don’t do it to find great ideas or to put down prose I can later publish. The pages aren’t intended for anyone but me. It’s the most cost-effective therapy I’ve ever found."

- Tim Ferris


Another way I think about creating my ideal life, is through a list of life values which I can gut check my life decisions against. Right now this list includes:


You and your loved ones are healthy.


Quality time with family & friends


People who love and trust you


Work which fills you with joy & pride


Opportunity to learn and grow


Freedom to express the true you


Courage to dare, dream and do


Wanting less, giving more